Portsmouth’s new city manager sworn in


According to a profile shared with council members, Carter has been the city manager of Albany, Georgia, since December 2020.

“I am fully aware that the vote for my appointment was not unanimous,” said Carter. 

In March, the city council voted four to three to approve the hiring of Carter

However, his role comes with controversy. Since 2022, several people have filled the position either permanently or interim, including Dr. Lydia Pettis Patton, Mimi Terry, Tonya Chapman and Angel Jones. 

“I am encouraged by the commitment of all seven board members who have pledged to work with me to make Portsmouth all that it can be.”

Carter also promised to listen to residents and make tough decisions with integrity. He said he understands that to achieve those goals, those holding roles within the city must work together for the greater good of the community. 

 “If we genuinely care about our city and our future, we have to stop committing self-inflicted harm to our city, to our people and to our future.”

Days before Carter took his Oath to Office, interim City Manager Dr. Pettis Patton fired former Deputy City Manager Vernell Woods. 

Carter’s first day in office is Monday, April 22. 

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