Kanye plans to start a brand new pornography studio under his Yeezy Brand


Kanye told TMZ on Tuesday that he plans to start a brand new pornography studio under his Yeezy brand!

Kanye plans to launch the porn studio as early as this summer, with the help of industry veteran Mike Moz.

A representative for Kanye West claimed he’s entertained the notion of getting into porn for several years. The difference maker, it seems, is the connection with the aforementioned Moz. As a former boyfriend of Stormy Daniels, Moz reportedly has the experience and the knowledge to make a porn studio successful. At least, in the rapper’s estimation. TMZ reported that the Yeezy porn studio would kick off a “broader adult entertainment division” with Yeezy as the parent company. West has not yet commented on the business plan in a public capacity. 

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