Recently, on Wednesday (October 11), the former The Real co-host took to Instagram to shed light on her silence, which was her first post since their split made its way to media headlines. In her post, a hand-written note read “Sometimes, you need to take a break and disconnect, to heal,” and captioned it with a black heart emoji.
Furthermore, Jeannie Mai’s break from online apps is incredibly understandable, considering all the gossip circulating around their split. A lot of speculation and “close source reports” tainted the news, and that’s not even considering how much people are weighing in on it in their own personal lives. In addition, it’s never easy to face a bunch of scrutiny from people online who don’t know either your or your partner in this case. All in all, hopefully this was a beneficial choice for her.
Photo Creator: Paras Griffin | Credit: Getty Images
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